

Piramal Glass operates new 145 tpd cosmetics & perfumery glass melting furnace from HORN®

Piramal Glass Limited (formerly known as Gujarat Glass Pvt Ltd) is a global specialist located in India to design, produce and decorate of premium…

Update on new office building

The expansion of the new building wing at the headquarters of HORN® Glass Industries AG in Plössberg is progressing. At the moment, the workers are…

HORN® saves staff from COVID-19

Since the beginning of February, employees of HORN® Glass Industries AG have been on a construction site in Orizaba, a city east of Mexico City, in…

“Better batch distribution, fast change and reliable“

The vibratory batch chargers with two pusher paddles and servo or frequency controlled drives from HORN® Glass Industries AG are establishing…

HORN® Glass Industries hands over donation to Plössberg museum

Great joy for the Oberpfälzer Waldverein (Upper Palatinate Forest Association) Plössberg and its museum team: The company HORN® supports the redesign…

Project "Azerbaijan Float Glass Co."

Sumgait, Azerbaijan: A brand-new 300 tpd float line is getting ready for the operation. Technology equipment installation is mostly complete, cold…

News from the HORN® R&D department: Low emission furnaces

Currently the world is under pressure to limit global warming. We need to change our way of living and our way of producing things. The boom in the…

37 jubilarians were honoured for 10 or 20 years of company affiliation

At this year's Christmas party there was reason to be happy: The company August HORN® was founded in 1884 and the new HORN® companies have existed for…

HORN® donates € 3,000 for youth village Lokod in Romania

The company HORN® Glass Industries AG donates € 3,000 to LIA e.V. Romania help and thus supports disadvantaged children, young people and young adults…

HORN® donates 135 packages to the Johanniter "Christmas truckers" campaign

This month, the HORN® youth and apprentices representative and apprentices were particularly hard-working - and that too for the good cause: Together…